Labor of Love

Labor of Love: Alabaster 12.5″H x 10″L x 5″W
This is a piece I designed while I was still delivering babies as a physician.
It depicts a labor scene with child still in the womb, girded by mother and father on one side, obstetrician on the other.
It is carved from two different types of alabaster. The center piece, which I turned on a lathe before carving, is semi-translucent and trans-illuminates when lit from behind.
I titled this work to capture a unifying theme across different perspectives….the love of this laboring mother for her soon-to-be born child, the labor of love that is the calling of an obstetrician, and the labor of love that stone carving is for me.
This piece took second place in a juried show at the Hockaday Museum of Art in Kalispell featuring emerging regional artists in 2012.